Saturday, June 4, 2011

6 years

6 years ago from right now, I was marrying my best friend! That day neither one of us could have ever imagined all that God had in store for us. There have been lots of highs and lows, but, thankfully we had each other through it all!

June 4, 2005 - Wedding Day - Carteret St. UMC, Beaufort, South Carolina

June 4, 2006 - 1st Anniversary - Waikiki, Hawaii

June 4, 2007 - 2nd Anniversary - Honolulu, Hawaii

June 4, 2008 - 3rd Anniversary - Yosemite National Park, California

June 4, 2009 - 4th Anniversary - Mackinac Island, Michigan

June 4, 2010 - 5th Anniversary - Pacific Rim, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Military life definitely has a ton of pros and cons, but I really feel like it has been wonderful for our marriage. Whenever we move somewhere new, and neither of us know anyone, or where anything is, (or in the case of Hawaii how to pronounce the words!), we have to rely completely on each other. JT is the only person that can fully relate to what it is that I am going through since he is going through it too, and we "get through" it together! I am so thankful that no matter how many moves we have to do or wherever the military may send us, that I always get to move with my best friend! I don't know what the next 50 or 60 (yikes, that is a LOOOONNNNG time! and we will be ancient!) years holds in store for us, but I know that as long as we have each other we can get through anything! I love you JT!! Happy Anniversary Honey!!


Jenni said...

happy anniversary!! and how special and cool that you have a picture for each year! :)

Kim at Polka Dot Thought said...

Yay!! Happy Anni!! I especially love the yearly photos--and I note how you and JT are on the same side for each photo! Planned? I think Yes! You guys are so precious!

Sue said...
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Sue said...

Jenni said...
happy anniversary!! and how special and cool that you have a picture for each year! :)

June 4, 2011 9:25 PM
Kim at Polka Dot Thought said...
Yay!! Happy Anni!! I especially love the yearly photos--and I note how you and JT are on the same side for each photo! Planned? I think Yes! You guys are so precious!

June 5, 2011 2:57 PM
Sue said...
What lies in store for the both of you are more up and downs. Just hold tightly to each other and communicate and share. You also have CT to help in the bonding. So far I am liking your blog.