Saturday, August 6, 2011

Not as Bad as the First

This week we got CJ's hair cut for the second time. It wasn't nearly as traumatic for me as the first haircut was. The first was a milestone from "baby to toddler". The second was just my toddler going from "Shaggy" to "Clean Cut". I did some internet research and found a really cute place near our house called Chloe's Carousel that got good reviews.
CJ did great. He got to watch Thomas the Train, and the only time he started getting squirmy was when the kid next to him was getting their hair blown dry and he couldn't hear his movie. Ha ha!
Considering there was only about a month between his 1st and 2nd haircuts, it is a good thing we liked this place. Unless I decide to let his hair grow out and let him rock a California Surfer Dude look! ;)


amy (metz) walker said...

CJ is getting SO does it happen so fast?! ;-)

Sue said...

I miss this blog highlight. He looks too handsome and groomed. Go for the surfer look. lol

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, he looks SOOOOO CUTE!! I could just eat him up! I love that little comb over! : )